Scripture of the Week

This week Joy Heenan will be contining with our new series ‘Adventure with Jesus and his Good News’. The title…

This week Rupert will be starting our new sermon series; ‘Adventure with Jesus and His Good News’. Rupert’s sermon is…

This Easter Sunday, Rupert will be speaking from Isaiah 35. As you read through this passage you may like to…

This week Bella Tanzer will be speaking to us about ‘Journeying through grief’. As you read these two psalms, you…

This Sunday Kirsty and Andrew Hook will be leading an imaginative and reflective reading of scripture based on the resurrection…

This week Rupert will be continuing our series on Ancient Wisdom and speaking to us about ‘Roots and Wings: Nurturing…

This week  Andrew Hook and Rupert Ward will be continuing the series on Ancient Wisdom with a talk titled ‘The…

This week Rupert Ward will be speaking to us about Mindful Living: Incorporating Prayer into Daily Life. In our scripture this…

This week Rupert will be concluding our current series on Building Spiritual Resilience with a talk titled ‘Finishing well’. As you read through…

This week Joy Heenan will be continuing our current series with a talk titled “Building Spiritual Resilience: An embodied reading…

This week Tom Ingrey-Counter will be continuing our current series about Building Spiritual Resilience with a talk titled ‘Like living…

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