Small Groups
Helping people find community and grow in faith

Small Groups are a key way in which we seek to enable community and discipleship within CCE. We have two types of small groups: Community Groups and Growth Groups.
Community Groups
Community Groups are longer-term groups which meet weekly or fortnightly, with no fixed end date. These groups may engage with a variety of activities at different seasons, and discipleship happens in the context of consistent committed relationships.
Growth Groups
Growth Groups meet for a fixed term (weeks or months) with a particular focus – for example a group might meet to study the Bible; read a book or do a course (such as The Prayer Course); engage in ancient prayer practices or mission activity. Growth groups might have a greater emphasis on discipleship, but will also encourage community.
Find Out More:
Small Groups in CCE are currently meeting at various times through out the week. If you would like to find out more about which small groups are running and when, contact the church office via the email button above.