Our giving flows as a response to God's generosity to us.

Give at CCE

We believe that everything we have is a gift from God.   We encourage generous giving as a response to God’s generosity and self-giving towards us.

The generous giving of people in the CCE family enables us to do all that we do and enables us to pursue our vision of seeing people fully alive and of a flourishing society in Edinburgh and beyond.  All giving to CCE is hugely appreciated.

You can give in various ways:

  • Set up a standing order to CCE
    Account Name: Community Church Edinburgh
    Account Number: 10789765
    Sort Code: 80-22-60
  • Give online or via the ChurchSuite App.
  • Put Cash or Cheque in the offering on Sundays.

Our finances are managed by Andrew Hook (our operations man) along with a Finance Team, and are overseen by the Trustees.  The Leadership determine priorities for spending to facilitate our vision.