"Bear one another's burdens" The Bible

Open doors at CCE

We want to help people grow.  Sometimes it seems that we get a bit stuck.  We aren’t quite sure how to move forward, to open the door to a new place, to get free from things that hold us back.

We believe that we grow in community with others.  There many times in the Scriptures when it seems the Christian community are called to support or care for or love or encourage one-another.

Sometimes, we need someone to listen to us or help us to work out our next steps.  We’d love to help if we can.

Do get in touch if you’d like to meet someone and chat about how you want to move forward, and what help you’d like.  We have some options we can offer, or signpost you in other directions.  The choice is yours…

Kirsty Hook See more

Kirsty Hook

Church Leader, Pastoral coordinator, Practice Manager for Hope Counselling