Food Bank
"Whatever you did for one of the least of these ... you did for me." Jesus

FoodBank+, so called as we provide food and much more to those can’t put food on their tables, has been hosted at CCE since 2013 in partnership with Edinburgh City Mission. We run it in collaboration with Newington Churches Together, who provide food donations and volunteers.
We offer food and much more, to guests who come, getting to know them over the number of weeks they are receiving help and offering friendship and, where requested, prayer and encouragement in their situation.
We see every person as valuable, made in the image of God, and therefore we seek to connect with our guests offering them a safe space, honouring each person’s dignity regardless of their personal circumstances.
Volunteers are welcome to join us: we run on Thursday mornings most weeks of the year. We are also always looking for donations of food and toiletries to keep our supplies stocked up.
For more information, contact Nick Yencken who is the Foodbank+ leader for CCE.