"The path of spiritual growth is a path of lifelong learning." M. Scott Peck

Jesus said that the reason he came was so we could have a “rich and abundant life” (you can read this in John’s gospel).
The journey towards having this kind of life is not found by a well paid job or buying our dream house, but by becoming the fullest expression of who we are created to be, where darkness, brokenness and self-centredness do not win the day.
In CCE we see that all human beings have been created with a inherent beauty & dignity and we want to help people grow to be fully alive, fully human, and bringing ourselves fully to our God-given purpose in this world.
In this section you will see some of the ways in which are committed to helping people grow, to get free from the things that hold us back, to discover who we’ve been made to be, and find our purpose in the world.