Join us In Person or Online each Sunday at 10.45am

Join with us on Sundays (see below for times). For those who are unable to join in person you can join on Zoom, Facebook Live or YouTube.
Come Along:
We meet at 10.45am – 12.15pm (approx). We suggest arriving by 10.40am but you are welcome whenever you can make it. Each week we sing some worship songs, to or about God; there is a talk about life, faith and the Bible and an “open mic” time for people to share. The children and youth have their own time together generally from around 11.15 to 12.15pm. Most Sundays we finish with some refreshments and a time to chat to folk. If you’d like more information, you may find our ‘what to expect’ section helpful.
On the first Sunday of each month we open our doors at 10.00am to serve complimentary pastries and hot drinks before the service. The service still starts at 10.45am as usual. (See details below under ‘Upcoming Sundays’).
Join Online:
Each Sunday you can also join us online via Zoom or on our Facebook page and YouTube channel. Details can found below or please contact the church office.
Details for Upcoming Sundays:
Rupert Ward and the Leadership Team are responsible for our Sunday Gatherings. Do come and say hi, if you come along – we’d love to meet you.