Growth at CCE

Thanks so much to everyone who came to the first CCE Family Meeting on zoom!  It was great to see so many people there, and have a chance to talk together.

I mentioned a few changes in leadership and staff that are happening at beginning of 2021:

  1. After many years of faithfully and wonderfully leading our worship area of church, Chris Hall has decided that now is the time to hand on to someone else (actually he has been looking to do this for a few years!).  Thanks so much Chris for all you have given.  Chris will still be connected to and contribute to CCE, but without the responsibility of leading.  Justin and Abby Lanyon-Olver will be taking on the leadership of both the worship and tech, from January.  Abby will join the staff team to enable her to have the time to do this, initially on 1/2 day a week.  It has been such a joy, in the midst of a difficult year, to see Justin and Abby emerge, and we are delighted to have them involved.
  2. From January 2021, initially for 6 months, while we consider a longer term strategy, we are increasing Kirsty Hook’s hours by 1/2 day a week, to encompass leading the pastoral area of CCE.  This has long needed some structure and leadership, and it is great that Kirsty will have time to put this in place, alongside a team she will form to help her lead in this area.  We remain committed to the children’s and family work which Kirsty will continue to lead.
  3. In early 2021, Inke Milligan will reach a milestone and retire. We will miss her serving and pastoral heart in the office. We will be recruiting for someone to step into some of the administrator role soon.

In the midst of change (and gosh hasn’t there been a lot of that this year!) there is always a sadness and loss of what was.  There have been some key members of staff and leadership that are, or will be, no longer involved in the same way.  And there is the opportunity and hope of new beginnings.  Often the loss and hope co-exist together, and I certainly feel both of those things as I write this.  In the midst of the loss, a gratitude can emerge for those who have served and contributed in so many ways, and in the hope a prayer might arise for those starting out on ventures new.  Thank you to one and all…

Rupert Ward

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