Foodbank+ donation request
February 2024

Funding for the foodbank changed in 2023, and Edinburgh City Mission is no longer able to access funding from the government for food. This means that foodbanks need to return the model pre-pandemic where local churches and businesses provide the supplies.
Please be assured we are grateful for all donations of non-perishable food and basic toiletries. This is the list of things we particularly need this month (February 2024).
Instant Coffee
Tinned Vegetables
Tinned Veggie Meals
Pasta Sauce
Shower Gel
Donations can be brought to the Foodbank+, based at Community Church Edinburgh, on Thursday or Sunday mornings, (10.30am -12.45am).
Here are the bank details for CCE for anyone who wants to support the Foodbank financially.
Account name: Community Church Edinburgh
Sort code: 802260
Account number: 10789765
Reference: Foodbank
Many thanks,
The Foodbank Team