Exploring Alpha at Community Church Edinburgh

Finding our way to faith is a unique journey for each of us. Some have sudden, transformative experiences that upend their worldviews, much like Saul’s Damascus Road encounter. For many others, faith unfolds slowly, like a path revealing itself through a dense forest. This journey is characterised by questions, conversations, and gradual awakenings of something profound within us.

The Alpha Course is designed to support you on this journey.

It’s a friendly, relaxed space where you can explore the Christian faith, ask questions, and share your thoughts.

Over several weeks, Alpha participants enjoy meals together, watch engaging talks that unpack different aspects of Christianity, and take part in discussions that are as honest and deep as they are respectful and open-minded.

Alpha is a path that millions worldwide have walked, a trail marked by fellow travellers seeking to understand more about God, to learn who Jesus is, and to grapple with what this knowledge could mean for them.

It’s a chance to explore life’s biggest questions from the comfort of a local community, where everyone’s views, perspectives, and experiences are respected.

At Community Church Edinburgh (CCE), we believe that God brings flourishing through local churches.

We’re committed to helping everyone who walks through our doors grow and become the best version of themselves – to be fully alive.

This growth comes as we connect with Jesus in a community of others who gather around Christ. Alpha closely aligns with our desire to nurture personal transformation, as people experience the grace of God and contribute to establishing His Kingdom in our society.


However, please note that we currently do not have any Alpha courses scheduled.

As soon as new course dates are confirmed, they will be posted here on this webpage.

In the meantime, if you are interested in exploring faith, we’d love to help in any way we can.

Please get in touch with us via the Contact Us form.

We act as a family in Christ, seeking to encourage and support each other as we journey through life, navigating the forest and finding our path home to God together.