All Talks

Building Spiritual Resilience

Suffering Well

Building Spiritual Resilience

Power in 1 Peter 3 v 8-15

Building Spiritual Resilience

Honouring God With Our Lives

Building Spiritual Resilience

Like living stones – resilient through community

Building Spiritual Resilience

Living Differently as God’s Family

Building Spiritual Resilience

Living faithful as resident aliens

Bridging the Gap

Barnabas and the foundations for healthy relationships

Bridging the Gap

Competition, Comparison and Compassion: navigating relationships in an apostolic community

Bridging the Gap

Bridging the Gap; Navigating our inner conflict with grace and love

Bridging the Gap

A Third Way: Navigating disagreements with grace and love

Bridging the Gap

Listening and dialogue in the midst of disagreement

Bridging the Gap

Breaking Barriers: From Exclusion to Embrace

Reasons to be Thankful

Breath of Life

Recognising the Spirit in Everyday Life

Breath of Life

Living by the Spirit