All Talks

Ancient Wisdom

Creating a Rule of Life: a guideline for Spiritual Growth

Stepping into awareness: How seeing justice brings us closer to God’s heart

Ancient Wisdom

Ancient Wisdom, Monastic Principles for Contemporary Living – Work

Ancient Wisdom

City Sanctuaries: Creating spaces of welcome and belonging

Ancient Wisdom

Roots and Wings: Nurturing Stability in Community

Ancient Wisdom

The sights and sounds of scripture

Ancient Wisdom

The Monastic Way

Ancient Wisdom

Mindful Living: Incorporating Prayer into Daily Life

Ancient Wisdom

Rediscovering Ancient Wisdom

Building Spiritual Resilience

Finishing well

Building Spiritual Resilience

Suffering Well

Building Spiritual Resilience

Power in 1 Peter 3 v 8-15

Building Spiritual Resilience

Honouring God With Our Lives

Building Spiritual Resilience

Like living stones – resilient through community

Building Spiritual Resilience

Living Differently as God’s Family