Shame on Jesus
We don’t often talk about shame – it lurks in the shadows, sometimes completely un-noticed. Yet it distorts our vision, twists our thinking, directs our behaviour, and fractures our relationships. Join us as we learn to notice where shame is at work in our lives, and hear from Jesus the Good News of joy, hope and freedom.
Rupert Ward begins an eight-week series called ‘Shame on Jesus’. He looks at Genesis 2v25 to 3v10. The passage is a well-know ....
There are mostly four main responses to shame and after outlining what these are, Naomi goes onto describe one ....
This week Kirsty Hook continues our current series, with a talk titled ‘Shame on Jesus: Appease’. Kirsty looks at 1 Samuel 1v1-19, wh ....
Malcolm continues our series on shame with a talk about ways in which we try ‘casting a spell’ on those around us. This (often uncons ....
Have you ever found yourself re-acting in aggressive and angry ways? Or maybe you’ve found yourself reacting but found that you are una ....
This talk comes near the end of our series of shame. Amy shares the story of the woman at the well. This story beautifully shows our comp ....
How does the good news of Jesus touch the deepest places of shame in our lives? Places that we perhaps feel trapped, stuck, or just goi ....
As well as being a deeply personal experience, shame is a relational one, affecting every area and level of society. In this message, we ....
Rupert, Kirsty and Malcolm briefly discuss and summarise the past eight-week series on shame, and several folk from CCE offer what they h ....