Scottish Network Update
On Sunday 17th March Rupert mentioned some changes in the leadership that are happening in the Scottish Network – do have a watch of this video where Rupert explains these changes.
During the Scottish Network Annual Gathering, a 2-day conference in March, Keith Short mentioned that he will be turning 70 next spring and wants to step back in his leadership of the Network Leadership Team. Over the last few years this transition has been happening in the Network leadership, and Rupert has been increasingly leading alongside Keith, along with bringing others onto the Network Leadership Team. This is the first time that Keith has publicly talked about this transition, and we want to let CCE know about these changes, so we don’t hear on the grapevine!
Potentially, in the future, the desire would be that the Network funds some of Rupert’s hours, alongside his leadership role in CCE, but at present nothing is changing (while the Network seeks to raise some money to do this). This is all part of CCE being an apostolic resource church, sending people into a wider contribution in society and our nation. The CCE leaders and trustees are working on the resourcing of CCE, so that we continue to flourish.