Prospects at CCE

Who are the Prospects group?
We are a mixed group that shares with people with learning disabilities about Jesus and the Bible. The group meets both in person for monthly meetings at TKH and more recently we have been having weekly Bible studies on zoom. We also have regular fun social events at Christmas, Easter and during the summer.
Here is a snap-shot of our group who meet at The Kings Hall ……
What does the CCE Prospects group mean to its members?
“It has been an incredible privilege to volunteer at Prospects. At meetings we sing a few songs at the start, and I play guitar. It is so beautiful to hear everyone sing and we’ve got shakers and tambourines that we love to use. Then we do some simple Bible teaching, and then – the really fun bit – we enact the Bible story. The members of the group are always really keen to play the different parts. The enactments might not be slick, but they truly are the most beautiful and glorious productions! On one occasion, we enacted a Bible passage where God sends angels and chariots of fire to fight against the enemies of his prophet Elisha. One of my friends picked up a golden flag, and whizzed back and forth across the church in his wheelchair with the golden flag trailing out behind him – like a literal chariot of fire! It was awesome!”
K; “I love it”
B; “I enjoy meeting people and getting to know God.”
G; “I like the singing and a cup of tea.”
Mary; “The drama is very good. The Noah drama with the birds and the rainbow was excellent and our recent turning of the temple tables was good fun.”
W; “Prospects is wonderful.”
C; “Prospects is a very good place. We can meet and pray for each other.”
“I have learned so much from the group about Gods deep love for everyone. Also the teaching is not dumbed down – we deal with some of the most profound questions ever! and the members have a real heart of prayer for the world and each other. I also really enjoy Mary’s craft activites which are always very creative. It is a pleasure to lead this group.”
Jacquie also says “We feel there is still much more that can be done to support disabled Christians in our churches and communities.”
If you would like to know more about the Prospects group then please email We would love to hear from you.
Our hope is to draw more people in the disabled community to knowing Jesus – by explaining the gospel in a clear, understandable and fun way.
We are part of a larger charity – Prospects across Scotland