From 10th -18th January, there is a week of Prayer and Fasting in CCE, to seek the Lord at the beginning of the year.  We will be using a prayer of blessing, crafted by our prophetic community, as the focus of our prayer this week.

Lizzie Cox brought these scriptures to CCE’s prophetic community in October 2020:

Proverbs 11 v 11 ” Through the blessing of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is destroyed.” and v 10 – ‘when right-living people bless the city, it flourishes‘.

Proverbs 18v21 “The tongue has the power of life and death…“.

Through gathering some photographs we took of Edinburgh, the CCE prophetic community has formed this prayer of declaration.  As we look at the year ahead, let’s all use this prayer to bless and speak life over this city and beyond!

“We declare Your Lordship over Edinburgh.  We proclaim Your reign, Your rule and the coming of Your kingdom over this city.  We exalt Your Name both in Edinburgh and in this nation.  We proclaim Your goodness and Your favour over this city.

“We call on You to release Your Spirit into the places of power and authority in Edinburgh and this land, so that this city and this nation would submit to Your authority.  We pray for a release of Your Holy Spirit among all those in Edinburgh who hold a measure of power and authority in the natural realm, that kingdom life would flourish rather than selfish ambitions and desires of people.  We ask that things which no longer bring life would be cleared away, to make space for the flourishing of abundant life in this city.

“We ask, in Your mercy, that Your wisdom and compassion would rest on leaders – elected officials, law-makers, business leaders, teachers, healthcare staff, and others, so that Your compassion might flow through them to transform lives.  We approach Your throne with boldness and ask for a move of Your Holy Spirit among the leaders of this land, that their hearts would be transformed and abundant life would flow.  Lord God, we ask for an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit, flowing down from people in positions of authority to the people that they serve.

“We call forth wisdom, justice, integrity, and righteousness. We call forth compassion for the poor, freedom for the oppressed, and an end to injustice.  We pray for righteousness to shine, that this city would be a beacon to the world. We speak life to [add in your own examples e.g. victims of human trafficking, victims of domestic abuse, people with long-term disabilities, people suffering with mental health, people with cancer etc. etc.] and we speak a blessing over services supporting them.

“We pray too for those with hungry hearts, for broken, wounded people aching behind closed doors – we ask for Your mercy and compassion to be released over all who grieve and mourn.  We thank you for Your abundant provision in our lives and we speak a blessing to those who are struggling – and ask for a release of Your light and warmth to the darkness, a release of the potential You see in them, a release of abundant Kingdom life, open hearts to Your good news and a release of Your ‘rainbow in the puddles’.  Amen.”



  1. Jasper Gordon on January 20, 2021 at 2:06 pm

    I like this😀

    I do wonder, reading it, about ‘over this city’ – do we mean ‘in it’ really?? (It feels a little religious.)

    My feel is that the Lord calls our nations to return, to stop editing God out of the decision making process.

    Right living is about the ongoing application of God’s word in our lives through the inspiration of his Spirit.

    • Rupert Ward on January 21, 2021 at 10:48 am

      Thanks for the comment Jasper.

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