Living with Covid-19; CCE Advice – March 2022
The Scottish Government has outlined its plans for living with Covid, where face-coverings will move from being mandatory to public health advice. For some this will be great news, while others will feel anxious about these changes. These guidelines are to help CCE move forward, whilst respecting the variety of responses, views and contexts within the community.
- Please don’t come to the King’s Hall if you feel unwell & haven’t tested (or have tested positive and not yet beyond the recommended isolation period).
- Individuals may choose or not choose to follow any public health advice regarding covid (e.g. wearing of masks; social distancing; etc) but please be aware that others may be making different choices to you.
- Therefore, we ask anyone sitting in the balcony (upstairs) area to wear a mask and observe 1m social distancing to create a safer space for those who wish that. We recognise that some might prefer this for a variety of reasons (e.g. work, upcoming holiday or special event, concern to keep themselves or other loved ones as safe as possible) and ask that this is adhered to at all times.
- Downstairs will be a space where different individual choices can be made (e.g. to wear or not wear a mask as you choose; no requirement to social distance).
- We have “distance-aware” badges (see note 1) available for individuals who wish to indicate by wearing a badge that they would prefer space between them and other people. We hope this will help those who, for a variety of different reasons (as mentioned above), might respond differently to the risks of infection.
- We suggest that everyone brings a mask with them and offers to wear it when in conversation with anyone wearing a distance-aware badge. (see note 2)
- CCE will continue to have a supply of masks, hand sanitiser available and keep the building ventilated with open windows.If you have any questions or concerns about the above, please do get in touch. We have been grateful for the grace shown one another over the last couple of years in the midst of different perspectives and approaches, and trust the above will help us all navigate this season of living with Covid.
CCE Leadership Team – March 2022
- Distance Aware is a Scottish Government initiative to help those worried about mixing with others as we adapt to living with Covid. You can find out more information here.
- Masks are generally understood to primarily protect others from any infection you might be carrying.
The key aspects and dates to be aware of are:
- Sunday 28th March – no longer any advance booking at Sunday gatherings (so the invitations emails will also cease) – just turn up!!
- Sunday 10th April – no longer a legal requirement to wear a facemask (subject to confirmation by the Scottish Government on Mon 28th March) – please read our advice above, on what this means for us, and how we can continue to create space for one another and our different perspectives & approaches.