Guidelines for Worship Gatherings at the King’s Hall
We are starting opening the King’s Hall for worship, prayer and reflection at 10.45am each Sunday, from Sunday 27th September.
This gathering with be broadcast via zoom, and live-streamed to Facebook Live and YouTube, but you can be there in person, if you wish.
There are a few guidelines to follow, to make this as safe as possible, and follow Scottish Government advice:
- Booking is essential. Please only book in if you are able to commit to be there – otherwise you will be taking the space of someone else who could be there.
- Please book everyone coming from your “household” or “bubble” together, so you can sit together in a group, with no need to distance. Different “households” or “bubbles” will need to book separately.
- Please arrive between 10.15am – 10.30am. You will need to wash your hands (or sanitise) on arrival, and will be shown to a seat by a steward. There is little room to negotiate about seats. To ensure that every “household” is at least 2m apart, and to accommodate the different sizes of households, sets of chairs of varying numbers have been grouped together.
- All seats are off camera.
- Masks are mandatory for worship gatherings, unless you are exempt under Scottish Government guidelines and for children under 5. We will have some spare masks in case you forget. Please don’t be offended if a steward asks you to wear a mask – you might find is easiest to let a steward know if you are exempt.
- Unfortunately we aren’t allowed to sing. But we can enjoy God’s Presence through music and other means of worshipping.
- We will provide something for the children that come, in the small hall. They must be booked in at the same time as you make your booking. When not at the children’s meeting, they must sit with you and not wander around.
- Unfortunately there isn’t tea and coffee at the end, and we will need to empty the building quickly at the end. We ask that you don’t stop and chat to people inside the building and move away from the exit, and be considerate to locals as you leave the area of the church building.
- Toilets will be available for use. These will have been cleaned before each Sunday, along with the rest of the building, including door knobs and light switches. Please be aware of the one-way system around the building to ensure social distancing.
- We will be keeping track of attendance (and contact details for visitors for 21 days) and will pass contact details on to the Test and Protect scheme, should the need arise, as we are required to do by the Scottish Government. Unfortunately, if you aren’t willing for us to do this, then you won’t be able to attend. You can see our privacy policy on our website, or when you book in.
While it might seem restrictive, we are excited to be back with folk in our church building, and hope the above will reassure some that we are seeking to make this as safe as possible. If you don’t wish to come in person, we will continue to livestream our services and hope you can participate in that.
You might find it helpful to have a look at this video that Andrew and Kirsty put together, to show where to come, and what to expect on Sundays:
And finally:
In CCE we will have a range of personal views about the risks of Covid-19 and appropriate responses. CCE is basing its responses and procedures on Scottish Government advice. We’d ask that you follow what we are being asked to do, and be kind to others that have different views to your own and those seeking to ensure that we follow the advice. Thanks so much!