Foodbank Update for September
Dear Friends,
Another month has gone by and I’m pleased to report that currently our storage shelves are groaning with the weight of all the tins of food we have accumulated recently! Donations of food from churches, individuals and some local businesses form a steady stream (though perhaps steadier some months than others) and we benefitted from a last collection from the ECM storehouse which has finally closed.
We made our second order to Sainsbury’s this week. Our first was four months ago now: it’s good to see how long these deliveries might last with “topping up” as described above. We are able to buy this food thanks to financial donations from churches, individuals and the community at large. In particular, we have had two large donations since I last wrote: over £1500 from St Peter’s church from their Lent appeal, and over £1000 from the Edinburgh People’s Theatre who asked for programme donations for us at their recent Fringe performances at Mayfield Salisbury. Thank you all!
We continue to rely on the generosity of our congregations. Please be assured we are grateful for all donations of non-perishable food and basic toiletries. This is the list of things we particularly need this month.
Breakfast Cereal
Cooking Oil
Soap Powder
Washing Up Liquid
Toilet Rolls
Donations can be brought to the Foodbank at here at CCE on Thursday or Sunday mornings (10.45-12.15pm)
Please pray for God’s blessing on all our guests, and continue to pray for a longer-term solution to the funding difficulties for Edinburgh City Mission’s foodbanks.
With grateful thanks for your continuing support of Newington Foodbank+.
Fiona Ferguson (Food Team Coordinator & Co-Chair Newington Churches Together)
You can find out more about the Newington Foodbank+ which is based at CCE here