Happy New Year!  I hope you and all the congregations had a blessed Christmas.

I’m writing with a new list for the new year of items we particularly need for the Foodbank just now.  Things continue much as at the end of the year.  We closed for Boxing Day but opened on 2 January when we had a steady trickle of needy folks, very relieved to find us open and quite well stocked.  There were no deliveries from FareShare over the Christmas/New Year period, but we had ordered a delivery from Sainsbury’s for the 2nd, feeling relieved ourselves that we still have money to spend in such situations!

Thanks to all our churches for their support and generosity throughout 2024.  Sadly, it looks as if Foodbanks will be a feature for a long time yet.  Please pray that strong support will continue for Newington Foodbank+ in 2025.



SugarTinned Meat


Shower Gel

Bars of Soap



Donations can be brought to the Foodbank at here at CCE on Thursday or Sunday  mornings (10.45-12.15pm).

If you’d like to give financially, here are the details;-

Account name:    Community Church Edinburgh

Sort code:        802260

Account number:  10789765

Reference:                 Foodbank


With grateful thanks for your continuing support of Newington Foodbank+.

Fiona Ferguson

(Food Team Coordinator & Co-Chair Newington Churches Together)


You can find out more about the Newington Foodbank+ which is based at CCE here

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