Thank you to everyone who filled in the survey last week.  The leadership team met on Wednesday to review the feedback and talk about how CCE might begin to exit lockdown.

As one might expect from a survey, there were a number of areas where there were divergent views and responses.  However, there were some notable areas of congruence and trends.  Folks in CCE generally appreciated the emphasis on connecting with God personally; the breakout rooms; the worship and the prophetic words and stories, which seemed an affirmation of many of the things we have been doing  over the last few months.  Thank you!

Going forward, there was general agreement on the importance helping folks connect with God and getting to know each more.  What was noteworthy was the desire to re-energise small groups and to look beyond ourselves in mission: these are two things that we are looking to nurture in CCE, and will continue to talk about how we can do that.  There was a clear sense that zoom continues to be a good way to meet while we can’t meet together, with a high level of support for occasionally also meeting in small local groups.

As we think about returning to the King’s Hall, there was some helpful feedback about what safety measures would be helpful (or not!), and some comments about how many of these measures would mean it would feel quite different to normal church/CCE.

There was so much rich insight and feedback that will help the leadership make decisions going forward.  While it is clear that there are different views on what would be helpful as we exit lockdown, we hold much more in common as we seek to take the next steps.  Some of the trends mentioned above will shape our gathering together in the coming months, and conversations about how we develop aspects of CCE life.

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