At the Family Meeting a few weeks ago, there was a conversation and feedback about what we are doing in CCE, as we navigate through this season of the pandemic.  The two questions we considered were:

  • What are you valuing about church in this moment/season?
  • What challenges do you have in engaging with church, and what ideas do you have to change this?

There were a number of things that emerged from the conversation together.   A number of positive aspects of what we are doing presently were noted: the prayer evenings; the youth work; the accessibility of the various ways to engage along with a flexible approach; the chance for connect (for most, but some are finding it hard to connect), and the opportunities for engagement.

The Leadership Team noted three things for consideration:

  1. How we can continue to find ways of including and connecting children in the life of CCE?
  2. How we can facilitate more spontaneity & flow of the Holy Spirit?
  3. How can we facilitate prayer for each other?

We are aware that some of these are a consequence of the current restrictions, and while there may be some things we can do, we are limited at present.  We are also considering how we can facilitate some of the above outside our Sunday gatherings where in the past we might have expected much of the above to happen.

These three aspects are important parts of CCE is and are significant “misses” over the last few months.  We appreciated the chance to talk, the huge amount of affirmation, and the clarifying of some of the challenges.  Thank you.

If you have ideas do please get in touch.

Previous posts:

Family Meeting Feedback – Part 1 – Staff and Leadership Changes

Family Meeting Feedback – Part 2 – First Impressions

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