This little book is based on the 23rd Psalm which Murray describes as the ‘most beautiful song in the world ‘. Murray goes through the 23rd Psalm basing a chapter on each line, bringing out thoughts and themes mainly through stories based on his personal experiences. Despite being a very familiar Chapter he really manages to bring many layers out of it- possibly our familiarness with this passage can often lead us to miss a lot of what it can teach us.
I got this book at Christmas and read it a chapter a day as a kind of daily Bible study which I found a good way to use the book but equally you may just prefer to read it straight through which would be possible in a few hours.
I would definitely recommend Murray’s book-so much that and I feel I would like to read it again sometime, which is unusual for me, but I think there is definitely even more in there that I could get from it on a second reading.
Roy Hasson