A message from Joy Heenan – help needed on Saturday to support Afghan families who have recently arrived in Edinburgh.
Edinburgh City Mission (ECM) is working with the council to support these families and ECM have requested help to provide the families with an afternoon at the ZOO THIS SATURDAY (18th Sept).
We do still need volunteers – if anyone is available 1.00 – 4:30ish to walk with a family around the zoo that would be great, males would be especially appreciated as it tends to be the male of the family that speaks English. We will be meeting at the zoo at 1pm (please make your won way there). Your ticket entry and parking will be provided free of charge. I have also committed to providing them with 75 packed lunches, so if anyone is free on Saturday morning to help make sandwiches that would be amazing! You will also receive a packed lunch on the day.
We will probably offer the King’s Hall as a gathering place for them on one Saturday in the autumn as they are staying in a hotel with little access to different spaces to be, so keep your ears open for more opportunities to bless these people.
Drop me an email on heenanjoy@gmail.com if you are able to help.

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